Unconditional Love, Inner Peace, Self-Acceptance

7:36 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

This afternoon I stopped by The Enchanted Garden in Richfield, MN to pick up some stones for protection. I'm a very sensitive and intuitive person and have been reading about how I can shield myself from the negative energy of others.  As I walked in I was stunned with all the beauty of the crystals and rocks. Mother Earth sure produces some amazing things! Below is a photo of Amethyst I took. 

I purchased six different stones today and the one I know I needed the most is Rose Quartz.  The owner of the store showed me a reference book where I sought out the spiritual meaning:

"Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love, inner peace, emotional healing, compassion, self-love, and self-acceptance. It is so gentle and has such a high vibration of love that it naturally acts as a protector, warding off negative energy and encouraging you to be in a state of love and light. It purifies and opens up the heart chakra, clearing away old emotional wounds, pain, or trauma.

Rose quartz allows you to both give and receive love and find a healthy balance between the two. It has universal feminine qualities and therefore is very nurturing and great for mothers and children or anyone needing a mother or feminine protection and understanding in your life. It nurtures and protects your inner child, and comforts intuitives, empaths or anyone who is feeling particularly sensitive or vulnerable.

It is a very calming, reassuring stone so makes you feel at peace. It helps you to see the beauty around you and to stay in a more positive light. It can help beautify your thoughts and intentions. If you are going through a period of change or transition, it can help you accept the road ahead and the sense of the unknown more easily. 

You can use rose quartz to draw love to you through its feminine power, whether that mean cleansing and healing current relationships, or manifesting new ones that soothe the heart. It also  mends and comforts broken hearts."

I'm writing this tonight to make you aware of your own self love and self worth. How are you treating yourself and your body? Maybe it's time to make a few changes! <3 

Affirmation:  “I safely open and heal my heart. I truly forgive, love and accept myself. My inner child is safe and I am safe. It is safe to love and open my heart to love. I am accepted, whole and have harmonious, peaceful relationships. I AM LOVE.” ~ Natalia Kuna

Copyright, 2015, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or Jackie@OptimumWellnessMN.com. As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.

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