Back to School-Dorm Room Breakfast + More

9:41 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Thinking back to how long it's been since my college party days! EEK! I gained the Freshman 15 plus more! Late night binge drinking, ordering Papa John's Pizza at 3:00 AM,  an endless stream of food in the cafeteria (and ice cream for dessert) paired with stress, life changes, and no sleep really takes a toll on your body!

Here are a few quick breakfast options you can make in your dorm room to start your day on a healthy note! 

Smoothies: Invest in a Magic Bullet Blender. Keep these items handy: 

Leafy Greens
Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
Protein Powder (I like Garden of Life Organic Plant Protein Powder or Amazing Grass Plant Protein Powder)

Cocoa Smoothie

1-2 scoops chocolate vegan protein powder
1⁄4 -1⁄2 can organic coconut milk
1 teaspoon organic cocoa or cacao powder
1⁄2 - 1 teaspoon spoonable stevia
1 handful of dark leafy greens
1 tablespoon organic hemp seed 
1 tablespoon coconut oil 
1 teaspoon organic almond butter 

*Add water or ice to desired consistency. Blend. And of course drink it out of a fancy glass! :-)

Eggs: Snatch a few hard boiled eggs from the cafeteria and eat them while you walk to class! (Sprinkle a little sea salt on top)

Grainless Granola

1 cup Raw Organic Pecans, chopped
1 cup Dried Organic Apples, chopped
1 cup Organic Raisins
1 cup Raw Organic Sunflower Seeds
1/2 cup Raw Organic Almonds, chopped
Pinch of  organic ground cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg

Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

Apple or Banana with nut butter

Celery and Peanut Butter

Other Essentials to Have on Hand: 

Raw Almonds:  the perfect crunchy snack and full of protein so you will have energy for that workout you are going to do later!

Canned Tuna or Salmon: (the less sodium the better) - will not spoil and you can mix it with avocado and spinach and make a healthy tuna salad roll up. (use sprouted, gluten- free tortillas) OR  bread alternatives

Bananas: alone, with nut butter, or keep some on hand to put in your morning smoothies! 

Protein Bars:  Meal replacement on the go. (My favorite brands are Larabar, Pure Power Protein Bars)

Black Pepper and Sea Salt:  Trust me, you will want seasoning for everything! 

Stevia: The best natural sugar alternative. Get the individual packets. Will not spike your blood sugar levels. 

Popcorn: NOT microwave popcorn. Read about the dangers of microwaves. If you buy it already popped and in a bag look for GMO free, organic, with just olive or coconut oil and sea salt! 

Canned organic veggie chili (no salt added): Or any other canned soup or chili.

Hummus:  Dip anything in it or use it in place of mayonnaise. (Make sure it is made with olive oil and not other damaged oils) 

Baby Carrots:  Eat instead of chips or crackers; they are a much healthier alternative for dipping into hummus, salsa or guacamole.

Shredded Chicken: (Organic, antibiotic, and hormone free!) Mix it with avocado or even hummus to make chicken salad that will last a week or two and for several meals. 

Plain Greek Yogurt:  Easy to store in your mini fridge! Add your own nuts, seeds, fruit to sweeten! 

Avocados: Need I say more? Love these things! 

Fresh Fruit and Other Veggies:Simple and easy to grab on your way out the door! 

Limes:  Makes avocado last longer and plus, your alcohol might be getting lonely. ;-) 

Salsa: (America’s favorite condiment) Mix it with avocado for easy guacamole or with yogurt for a spicy dip.  

Coconut Water: To re-hydrate and replace electrolytes lost after a workout or a night out! 

Copyright, 2014, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.

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