Post Workout-Refuel

8:21 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

On Monday I walked into one of the gyms I frequent often and saw this:

I feel as though this is why most people are confused about what is healthy and what is not. You expect a gym to offer you better choices. It IS a place where you go to improve your health... right? So why wouldn't they offer you the best post workout snacks? My opinion:

V8 Juice: This is the best choice of the three. It has a little vegetable juice, BUT it is pasteurized and from concentrate. Check out this article by Food Babe:

Nutri-Grain Bar:  It contains multiple forms of sugar, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and soy. Remember 4 grams listed on a food label is equal to one teaspoon of sugar! Eating one bar is like eating 3 teaspoons of sugar!  Processed food = Non living. Eat more foods by God and not by man. 

Apple and Eve Organic Juice Box: Sugar. 10 grams in that TINY little box (6.75 fluid ounces!) Do not let the organic label fool you. Granted, it does have 50% less sugar than most juice boxes. 

My Picks for After a Workout: (Aim for 30 grams of carbs to provide energy, and 15 grams of protein to build muscle. 2:1 ratio of carbs and protein. Also add in a small amount of healthy fats-less than 10 grams.) 

Organic Free Range Eggs: Cook them in coconut oil with tons of green veggies! 

Green Protein Smoothie:  Use Garden of Life RAW Protein, Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein, Tera's Whey 

Protein Bar: Make your own or try Rise or GoodOnYa Brands (the less ingredients and less sugar the better!) (IDEALLY, eat real food and not bars)

Apple with 2 Tablespoons Nut Butter

Spicy Roasted Chickpeas

Chicken and Spinach Salad

Rehydrate With: Harmless Harvest Coconut Water 

Copyright, 2014, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.

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