Improve your Digestion! Rules of Food Combining

7:08 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I have read alot about digestion for school and am reminded daily at work by customers on how many people suffer from digestive issues. People come to me complaining about gas, IBS, stomach pains, constipation, inability to digest certain foods and etc.

It's not uncommon for people to combine meat and potatoes. fish and rice, bread and lunch meat, cereal and milk, or cheese and pasta. Eating these particular combinations every day at every meal is not the best way to ensure optimal health. When all of these foods are thrown together randomly the body cannot break them down and utilize them properly. It's no wonder that the sale of products such as Rolaids, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Mylanta, and Alka-Seltzer has turned into a billion dollar industry.

Here are 5 Food Combining Principles You May Want to Consider:

1. Eat Fruit Alone- fruit contains sugars that are ready for the body to utilize and provides its own enzymes so it does not need much time to be digested in the stomach. It should not be combined with other foods and should not be consumed for several hours after eating protein or starch. If you have fruit following a meal the sugar in the fruit will ferment in the stomach, causing bloating and gas. Allow 1-2 hours before eating any other food if you do eat fruit. The best time is to eat it in the morning because then you know all other foods have been digested.

2. Do Not Combine Protein and Starch-they require different digestive juices in order to be broken down and used by the body. Digestion of starches begins in the mouth with the enzyme ptyalin, which is found in your saliva. Proteins are broken down in the stomach by hydrochloric acid and pepsin enzyme. Protein needs an acidic environment and starch an alkaline environment.

3. Eat Protein Alone or with Vegetables-Veggies are high in water content and relatively easy to digest. They can be broken down in either an acidic or alkaline environment so they can be combined with either proteins or starches. The enzymes in veggies actually enhance the digestion protein.

4. If You Eat Starches, Eat Them Alone or with Vegetables- Vegetables do not require their own specific digestive juices, so they can be digested in the alkaline environment required by starches.

5. Do NOT Drink with Meals- this dilutes the digestive juices that are needed to break down the food, preventing it from being properly digested. The best time to drink fluids is in between meals-at least a half and hour before or after eating. If you find you are thirsty after eating, you may be using too much salt in your food.

For more digestion tips please visit my website! Look under the "Digestion" heading!

And this is a great food combining chart for a visual!

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