Tips for Saving $$ on Organic and Natural Products

Sometimes it is hard to get alot of discounts when shopping for natural and organic products.
Here are a few tips I have to save some dough:
1. Produce that is most contaminated by pesticides are called the “dirty dozen”. The “dirty dozen” that should always be bought organically are:
• Celery
• Peaches
• Strawberries
• Apples
• Blueberries
• Nectarines
• Bell Peppers
• Spinach
• Kale
• Cherries
• Potatoes
• Grapes
However, produce such as asparagus, onions, cabbage, bananas, mangos, avocadoes, and produce where you do not eat the peel have a lower chance of not being contaminated. Therefore, you can buy the non-organic versions of these produce and still reap the healthy benefits. And remember to buy what is in season!
2. Become a member of a food cooperative- get member specials and deals, case discounts and a dividend at the end of the year!!
3. Shop in the bulk section-cheaper and less packaging! Better for the environment! Re-use your containers! I even buy my shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel in bulk sometimes.
4. Email organic/natural companies of products you love and ask them to send you coupons!! I just received a few coupons in the mail from Jason after telling them I love their Powersmile toothpaste!! Some websites even have coupons you can print off and use.
5. Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Costco (if you have a large family to feed)-large variety of natural and organic food. I have even found frozen organic broccoli and some quinoa pasta I like at Cub Foods at a great price. Comparison shop for the best deals!!
6. Buy local-check out the Farmer’s Markets and local farms in your area. If you have a farmer’s market near you, start exploring. Get to know the vendors and learn how they grow their food. They may not be certified organic, but if their food is grown locally and without pesticides, it is worth buying. Making friends with the vendors can lead to discounts in the near future.
7. Shop for most supplements online-I have found the best deals and prices shopping online. You can even get free shipping on most orders over $50. I have realized the supplement mark-up is huge after working at a natural food store. This has been the best option for me with my small budget.