Probiotics: Do you need them? How is your gut?

7:19 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Commonly known as “friendly or good bacteria,” probiotics have become widely popular!! One of the most frequently asked for supplements of customers that come into our store are probiotics. Everyone has taken antibiotics at any time in their life even when young has experienced disturbed intestinal balance and will benefit from taking probiotics. Antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the harmful ones. The longer you use antibiotics, the greater the damage to the intestinal flora. Symptoms include: indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, constipation, and cramps. Skin problems such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis are also a reflection of intestinal health.

Our bodies are made up of around 27 feet of intestines. Seventy percent of our immune cells are located here. Probiotics populate throughout our intestines and help with digestion, manufacture B vitamins that relate directly to our energy levels. They also strengthen our immune systems and make us less susceptible to colds, flu, and super bugs!!

You can increase the beneficial bacteria in your body by limiting your sugar intake because it feeds intestinal yeast, washing your hands, get regular exercise and sleep to strengthen your immune system, and by eating a daily cup of yogurt, drinking Kombucha, or eating any fermented foods such as: kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, kimchi, natto, and etc.

I take the Raw Probiotics for Women from Garden of Life. They contain 85 billion live cultures and are food based!! If you have any questions about probiotics please don’t hesitate to ask me!!


Sometime You Feel Like a Nut!

8:27 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Raw nuts and seeds are an excellent source of protein. They should always be eaten raw. Roasting alters some of the nuts’ beneficial qualities, and commercially packaged seeds and nuts are sometimes cooked in hydrogenated oils, which are full of unhealthy trans fats, and salted. It’s best to purchase your seeds and nuts in their natural form. Always store them in the fridge to maximize freshness and to prevent them from going bad. Nuts and seeds contain oils and can go rancid.

Soaking them makes them easier to digest and alkaline-forming. You can do this by placing them in a container and cover with one or two inches of water. The harder the consistency of a nut or seed; the longer the soaking time is required. Almonds require at least 24 hours, walnuts and Brazil nuts-around 6 hours, and soft nuts such as pine and macadamia nuts-2 hours or less. Most seeds you can soak overnight. The nuts and seeds will plump up as they absorb water. If you soak them overnight you should rinse them off before using.

Best Nuts and Seeds to Consume:

Almonds, Brazil nuts, Filberts, Pecans, Pine nuts, Walnuts, Chia seeds, Hempseeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Sunflower seeds, and Flaxseeds!!


Make Your Own Body Scrub

8:32 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Here's her easy recipe for a luxurious summer scrub you can make in minutes:

You'll need: 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp. sweet almond oil
1/2 cup white cane sugar
1-3 drops lavender essential oil

Whisk together the olive oil, sweet almond oil, sugar and essential oil. Pour into a container with an airtight lid. It should last 2-3 weeks if kept away from water (it dissolves the sugar).

Use a tablespoon scoop to dish out a few dollops once or twice a week, scrub, and rinse.

The olive oil is full of vitamins and minerals that can help firm and moisturize (no worries--the smell rinses away). The lavender is great for healing damaged skin like cuts and burns, and regenerating skin cells.

Treat your feet: Swap the sugar for salt for a coarser callous-worthy foot scrub!

I love giving the scrub as gifts!!!


Taking Chances

3:22 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Why are we so afraid of change and the unfamiliar? People often have doubts and are scared of taking chances. What is the worst that could happen? Is there something you have been wanting to do but the thought of rejection and failure has prevented you from jumping in with both feet? What is life without taking chances? Life is too short the way it is! I DARE you to follow that passion, job change, love with everything you have, buy that vacation home, use the good dishes, start a business, skydive, surf, try the squid, venture out into the unknown!! You may be surprised at what happens when you branch out into the world and make your mark!! ;-D

"Do one thing every day that scares you." -Eleanor Roosevelt