Beauty From the Inside Out
After starting my new job this week as the salon coordinator at City Hairstylists I have been reminded more and more about beauty and outward appearances. We are all so concerned with what we look like on the outside. In all reality, beauty radiates from within! What we put into our bodies reflects on the outside!! If we are not feeding our body what it needs we accelerate the aging process, get wrinkles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, dry, brittle hair, peeling nails, dark under-eye circles, age spots, cellulite, dry, rough skin and the list goes on and on! We are lacking the nutrients are body needs to repair our cells so we radiate health and have vibrant skin, hair, and nails!
One of my role models is Kimberly Snyder. She is a Certified Nutritionist and Beauty Expert whose clientele includes celebrities such as Drew Berrymore and Owen Wilson. I love her blog and am reading her book, “The Beauty Detox Solution.” Here is some great information I would like to share with you from her book!
For over five thousand years in Chinese medicine, practitioners have understood that uneven color and texture, patchiness, lines, breakouts, and other issues with our face are really indicative of deeper issues going on within our bodies and our organs.
Here are some commonly held ancient Chinese beliefs about what we might learn from examining our faces:
Breakouts around the chin/jaw area- hormonal imbalance and congestion in the colon.
Lines above the upper lip-stagnation or blockages in the digestive tract, specifically relating to the organs of the stomach and small intestine; accumulation of acidic waste and toxicity not leaving the body.
Deep laugh line-relate to our lung line and liver. Could be due to smoking or shallow chest breathing, backed up colon, or overloaded liver.
A lined forehead-congestion, toxin-filled colon and gallbladder. Big contributors to this can be consuming a lot of dairy, cooked oils, or processed foods.
Dark under-eye circles or puffiness- indicates adrenal exhaustion. Too much caffeine, a lack of sleep and too much stress can cause this.
Crow’s feet around the eyes- indicates that our adrenals are overtaxed and that our bodies are acidic and imbalanced.
Patchy skin or lines high up around the cheekbone area-associated with heart issues. Eating too much clogging animal protein, too many animal products, or cooked oils.
Makes sense doesn’t it? What you eat at every meal really does matter! Feed and fuel your body with clean, healthy, whole foods and you won’t need all those anti-aging creams, color treatments, wrinkle fillers, or makeup to cover up the flaws! ;-)