Real Talk with Jackie

8:25 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Jackie's Health Tip of the Week- 2/26/17

9:56 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Make your own taco seasoning for Taco Tuesday this week sans  additives, preservatives and MSG! (Fake flavor enhancer)

Supplies Needed: 

  • Single ingredient herbs and spices 
  • Measuring spoons 
  • Glass jars (Depending on how much you want to mix up, anything from an old baby food jar to a canning jar will work) 


Simply combine the individual spices together in a jar, shake the jar and–voila!–you have your spice mix!

Taco Seasoning (all organic if possible)

1 1/2 tsp. paprika
2 tsp. chili powder

1 1/2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. onion powder

3/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
dash cayenne 

*Use instead of 1 package of taco seasoning mix. Makes 3 tablespoons.

CLICK HERE to follow me on Facebook for more health tips like this! 

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Jackie's Health Tip of the Week 2/19/17

9:11 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Stay on Track Over the Weekend:

Stick to your usual sleep schedule: Are you someone who has a firm bedtime during the week only to stay up late and sleep in on the weekends? Changing your sleep patterns could throw off your schedule. (hard to eat breakfast when you get up at noon!)

Just think of all those times you stayed up later than usual, got hungry and ended up eating something unhealthy! Changing your sleep schedule can also make it harder to fall asleep on Sunday night which could set you up for a tired Monday at work!

CLICK HERE to follow me on Facebook for more health tips like this! 

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Day of Love

8:15 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Today is my 34th birthday! WOW! Has time flown by or what?! I may not be near where I pictured myself at this age but I know I am exactly where I need to be!! Thank you for all of your support, love, and encouragement along the way! <3

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.



7:29 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

"We all have off weeks. You know, weeks of sheer physical exhaustion, lack of motivation and general funk. When I have weeks like this I feel a bit lost and unfamiliar with myself, and it is easy to get discouraged. My instinct tells me to expect more of myself during such weeks, but the reality is that some weeks we must simply expect something different of ourselves, even if we aren’t sure of things as basic as who we are. It’s okay to be tired; fatigue doesn’t mean you aren’t strong. It’s okay feel off-track for a few days and to not be sure what your goal or purpose is; it doesn’t mean that you aren’t searching or that you won’t find it. And, finally, it’s okay -- and actually essential -- that you love yourself during the times when you don’t feel fully yourself. Accept yourself when you least like yourself and you will have begun to accept the imperfection perfections of your human limitations.

The more we love ourselves through our imperfections and through the times when we feel a bit "off," the sooner we will come to embrace our ridiculous imperfections as a beautiful constant in our lives. Be okay with your imperfect beauty and your imperfect story, because being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect; rather, happiness means that you are able to look past the imperfections in your life." - Trish Blackwell

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Love Bombs

4:57 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I made these as Christmas gifts for some clients and a few friends! Fun, cheap, non-toxic homemade gift you can give to a loved one for Valentine's Day!

DIY Shower Bombs:

1 Box/Bag (16 oz.) Baking Soda
4 Tablespoons Witch Hazel
Peppermint Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil


Mix baking soda and witch hazel together in a bowl. (It should resemble wet sand. If it's too dry add more witch hazel.) Pour into molds and pack the mixture in as tightly as you can! (I just used a regular ice cube tray.)  Let sit at least 24 hours to dry.  Add 4 drops of each essential oil to the cubes.  Flip the tray over and remove the cubes.  Place in sealed jars or bags!

*To use, simply place a bomb near your feet under warm running water and enjoy the aromatic experience!

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Less is More

8:55 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Copyright 2107: Jackie Mart

After reading an article and watching a Ted Talk video about minimalism I was inspired and decided to sift through my belongings.  I currently live in small 500 square foot studio apartment. Even though it may look bare to most I still somehow managed to fill the bags in the photo plus one from my storage unit!! Goodwill got some goodies!

My apartment consists mostly of items for my business and modeling promotions.  I was previously married and owned two houses full of "stuff."  Now I've scaled down dramatically and realize what few things I really need in life!  When we own less we have less to store and manage. (Which leaves more time, energy, and focus into what really matters!)   Years ago all of the storage units you see never existed. The concept of hoarding has reached new levels!  Read my blog post about clutter here:

I remember visiting my in-laws years ago and looking around at all their "stuff."  Lots of antiques and a whole upper loft in the garage of randomness piled high in boxes and plastic tubs. I had a bout of anxiety thinking about sorting through everything when they passed away. Not something anyone wants to deal with!  Here is my advice:

If you haven't used something within a year get rid of it. You DO NOT need it. Don't keep it, "just in case..."

All those clothes in your closet that do not fit your current body- donate them! Love your body for what it looks like right now!

Go through your space and if you see something that reminds you of an unpleasant memory from your past it's time to part with it.

When you look at an item make sure it gives you a sense of happiness and joy or it's time to let it go!

Our memories are located in our heads and our hearts, not in physical objects. Make room only for things, people, and experiences that add value to your life!

Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Cleanse Your Space

7:49 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Copyright 2017: Jackie Mart

Smudging. I smudge frequently to clear out negative energy when I am feeling stuck, sluggish, depressed, or down. These feelings can be caused by stagnant energy in your field. Your field can include your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual or physical body, and your environment—whether it’s your home, office, or other physical space. Stagnant or negative energy can have extremely detrimental effects on your mental and physical state and is even believed to manifest into a lack of happiness and success as well as pain and disease.

What is Smudging?

In many ancient cultures, including Native American traditions, herbs were burned in the ritual cleansing of a physical space, objects or individuals. The idea is that by burning certain herbs in a space, the smoke generated attaches itself to the negative energy and as the smoke dissipates, so does the negative energy. This burning of herbs can also be used for individual cleansing, after a particularly energetically depleting day or experience.

People often cleanse themselves and their space after difficult events, when communication problems seem to be arising, when they are feeling negative, during times of meditation or other ritual. Smudging is also excellent to practice prior to a gathering or ritual or as people arrive and before commencing a ritual or celebration. This leads to open minds and hearts and the eradication of any lingering negativity.

There are several herbs used commonly in “smudge sticks.” Herbs are bundled together and often tied with string. In ancient native American traditions, special smudge bowls were used but now, most smudging herbs come in stick from and are easy to use. Common smudging herbs include:

  • Sage, including White Sage
  • Cedar and other Pine derivatives
  • Lavender- for calming
  • Osha Root
  • Sweet Grass
  • Mugwort – which is also used for lucid dreaming and protection

How to Smudge

Firstly, any cleansing ritual must start with a clear and simple intention. Focusing on clearing out the negative energy and pushing it out of your space and mind is important!

Once you have your intention clearly in your mind, light the smudge stick and then blow out the flame. This allows the herbs to smolder and smoke without actively burning.

If you are cleansing a space, walk around the room or rooms slowly and focus on cleansing and clearing negative energy. You should focus on corners, behind doors and make sure you also smudge closets and drawers!!

You can purchase smudge sticks from my Amazon store:


Copyright, 2017, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.