
9:16 PM Jackie Mart 1 Comments

I've been pretty obsessed with bananas lately. And no, not in that way! haha Get your minds out of the gutter people!! Geez!!! My doctor recently told me I needed to increase my potassium levels so the first food I thought of were bananas! There are many other foods that beat the pants out of them potassium-wise though! Foods such as: Dulse, kelp, sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, garlic, yams, peanuts, broccoli, Brazil nuts, raisins, kale, cooked beans, and the list goes on...

Bananas are convenient, relatively low in calories (about 100 per banana), and the fiber is the big selling point. Even though other foods may contain just as much potassium, that doesn't mean the 422 mg of potassium per medium banana should be overlooked. Potassium helps maintain cell integrity, fluid and electrolyte balance, a steady heartbeat, reduces blood pressure, helps with elimination of carbon dioxide from the lungs, and normal nerve and muscle function.

A drop in potassium levels can make you weak and tired, and low potassium is often connected to muscle cramps. Many health professionals believe that potassium might both prevent and correct hypertension.

One benefit of bananas most people do not know about it the fact that they contain fructoogliosacharides (FOS). What are these? Well, they are basically food for the good bacteria in your gut. The good bacteria in your gut need food to live and flourish and the food they like best is FOS. Bananas and rice have long been a folk remedy for digestive upset, especially diarrhea.

How do you like to eat your bananas? I like mine with a little organic chunky peanut butter!!! YUM! :)


One Day at a Time

8:09 PM Jackie Mart 3 Comments

I don't know about you, but I seem to get all sorts of random signs every week that are mind-boggling and make me think about my life. Last week on the night of my birthday my closet rod and all my clothes fell down for the 3rd time... hahah... yes, I have WAY too many clothes! A couple of my friends put it back up for me so I didn't have to call Rob, the maintenance guy, again to fix it for me.

The next morning when I was getting dressed I noticed a small, tarnished copper coin a little larger than a quarter on top of my black boots. I picked it up to examine it in the light. On one side were prayer hands with the words, "One Day At A Time" inscribed beneath them. I turned the coin over and discovered the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I have no idea where this strange coin came from. I have never had anything like this in my possession. I took it as a sign that God is trying to tell me to slow down and focus on the things in my life I have control of and forget about the things I have been stressing about I cannot change. I tend to be a human "doing" instead of a human "being" alot of the time. I have a Type A perfectionist personality and need to work on enjoying life and living in the moment more! Life is passing me by because I feel I have to get everything done! It's time for me to slow down, take in all the beauty that surrounds me and take one day at a time! Sometimes I think I forget to breathe some days! hahah



7:50 PM Jackie Mart 1 Comments

This past Sunday when the snowstorm blew in I rented a movie from Redbox I had previously watched in the theater last Spring. It's called Kick-Ass. haha have you seen it? The beginning is really funny but then it gets rather gory towards the end. There is one scene in the movie where Kick-Ass looks into his bedroom mirror with his superhero costume on and says, "I'm fuckin' awesome!"

This made me think about what I say to myself in the morning when I look into the mirror. Do you pick yourself apart like I do? (I wish my skin were clearer, eww... look at that fat, my face is puffy, I'm having a bad hair day... ) Starting today I decided I was going to look at myself in my closet mirror and repeat the same affirmation outloud that Kick-Ass said, "I'm fuckin' awesome." hahah So from now on this will be my ritual every morning!! Goodbye negative self talk, hello positive affirmations! I dare you to try it and see how you feel! Maybe say something else to yourself such as: "I am healthy, happy, and whole. I am beautiful and deserved to be loved. I love myself, I am me." Louise Hay is one of my favorite authors who writes about the power of positive thinking. Here is a link to her website. You can sign up to recieve daily affirmations!!

And remember, you don't need a power to be a superhero!!!

Kick-Ass movie trailer:


Inspiration for Blog

2:20 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I recieved an email last week from an old high school friend that will remain anonymous. Here is what she sent me in a facebook message:

Hi Jackie,
I just wanted to let you know, that I find your status' very inspiring and uplifting. I have been struggling with alot of stuff latey and it's nice to read something once in awhile that doesn't make things worse. So, thank you!

I hope everything is well with you and that you had a great birthday! It sounds as if you are always busy up in the cities, hopefully not too busy and you're still able to enjoy yourself.

Thanks again for being inspiring.

These kind words really made my day and are the inspiration/idea of this blog I have created. I had no idea I had this impact on people; I just have realized I need to live in the moment more and be more positive, which is why my facebook statuses are usually focused on the great things in life!

Those of you who know me well and have kept in touch know I have been dealing with my own demons in life for years and this is just one example of how we affect each other on a day to day basis whether it be a smile, an "I love you," a call, text, a hug, kind words, gift, or a listening ear. It's all in your attitude towards life. Too many people wallow in their problems and are more focused on their flaws, weaknesses, and what is wrong in their lives that they are not grateful for what they DO have!! Cherish your imperfections and work on improving your strengths!! Stop feeling guilty and shameful and forgive yourself already!!!! :)

Someone once told me I am like a "skinny Buddha!" hahah ;) Hope you all have a wonderful day!

"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but how we react to what happens and the attitude we bring to life! "


I am a Bold Woman

9:31 PM Jackie Mart 1 Comments

I am a Bold Woman.
I seize life with an open mindset knowing that my true potential is unknown (and unknowable):
believing that is it impossible to foresee all the triumphs I can accomplish with years of passion, toil, and training.
I view my basic qualities as only starting points so there is no reason to hide deficiencies or surround myself with only those who will build up my self esteem.
Instead, I seek out and embrace people and life challenges that will stretch and encourage me to become all I am called to be.
I will wrap each moment in passion. I will cherish every breath.
I will learn from every experience and from every person I meet.
I will seize the day!

Amy Dee-Kristensen