Benefits of Yoga

11:58 AM Jackie Mart 1 Comments

I recently started up my yoga practice again after a year off. I realized I stopped doing a lot of the things I loved when life was difficult. I bought a package at CorePower Yoga in Uptown and love it! One of my favorite classes is Hot Yoga Express since I attended the traditional hot yoga classes at Bikram Yoga in the past. It is a great break from my regular routine of biking and running! Keeps me focused!

The practice of yoga bestows upon the well disciplined student: a firm body, a steady mind, and a peaceful spirit. Yoga has many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Here are just a few:


Strength-yoga postures tone every part of the body.

Endurance-regular dedicated practice increases the capacity to do work.

Flexibility- a youthful ease is maintained or reestablished through correct stretching

Posture-as tone and flexibility are balanced, a straight and effortless posture is achieved.

Increased energy-improved glandular functioning and deep relaxation leave one refreshed.

Health-a consistent and positive state of well being is experienced when the body and mind are balanced.


Concentration-improved ability to concentrate on everyday issues.

Emotional stability- more balanced mental attitude.

Peace-inner peace and harmony; a sense of being "unruffled" even during times of stress.


Wisdom-increases one's intellectual potential.

Freedom-give the soul a sense of lightness and freedom.

Integration-helps unite body, soul, and spirit.

CorePower Yoga offers a week for free on their website!! Take a chance and try it out!! :)

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie!

    Do you recommend any specific types of yoga such as Ashtanga, Bikram, etc.? We don't have a lot of options here in Marshall and I've been thinking of picking up a book, video, etc.
