Here, Right Now, in this Moment is My Special Day Occassion
Here, Right Now, in this Moment is My Special Day Occassion

We shouldn't just wait for special occasions to use the fine China, wear that sexy red dress, new shoes, or wait to tell that special someone we love them! Every day, every hour, every second of every day should be cherished as a special occasion! Every moment should be full of gratitude and joyfulness that we are able to live and breath each day! Take the time to stop, look, listen and marvel at all the beauty that surrounds us! It's the little things in life I appreciate and never take for granted: the warm embrace of a hug, the aroma of my tea in the morning, the sunshine hitting my face on a long run around the lake, the smell of the lilacs, nature, the sound of my family laughing, hitting all the green lights, dancing, singing, smiles, a call from an old friend, my health, cuddling, second chances, opportunities, and the ability to live each day as a new day to become the person I believe I was meant to be!!