Kindness- From the Heart
Kindness makes a difference!Even if it is a very tiny act of goodness and you think no one notices, God notices. Always remember that one little act of kindness can tilt the balance of an entire situation. One little act of kindness can ripple out in countless ways that you many never know about.
I have been pretty down the past week or so. Feeling like I am getting nowhere in my life. Go to the same mundane job day in and day out and struggling to pay my bills. I know where I want to be in life, but have had major setbacks and it's frustrating! I am slowly but surely working towards my goals but know it will take time.
A phone call from a dear friend of mine the other night sure helped turn my thinking and attitude around! I was reminded of what acts of kindness can do to a person's mind and soul. It's definitely the little things in life that can make all the difference!
Today they were having a food drive at the Wedge Food Co-op for the Aliveness P

About a year ago I set a goal for myself to go out of my way to help someone else in some way each day. I think about this often and never know who I am going to impact. What little act of kindness can you do each day? Do you smile at people walking by? Hold the door for someone? Pay for the person's coffee in line behind you at Starbucks? Let a car merge into your lane? Carry an elderly woman's bags for her? Shovel your neighbor's driveway? Send your friend or family member a text to know you are thinking about them? Volunteer at your son's school? The possibilities are endless! Pay it forward and you never know what will happen! :)