I Heart Beets!!!!

I love adding steamed beets to my dark green raw salads or roasting them in the oven! Here is a link to some wonderful beet recipes to try: http://www.farmfreshtoyou.com/recipes/index.shtml#BEETS
Beets are an excellent source of hearth-healthy folate and a very good source of the antioxidant manganese and heart-healthy potassium. Beets contain digestive-supportive dietary fiber, free radical scavenging vitamin C and copper, bone-healthy magnesium, and energy-producing iron and phosphorus.
Tips for Preparing Beets
Rinse gently under cold running water, taking care not to tear the skin, which helps keep the health-promoting pigments inside. Since beet juice can stain your skin, wearing kitchen gloves is a good idea when handling beets. If your hands become stained like mine during the cleaning and cooking process, simply rub some lemon juice on them to remove the stain to avoid the "I just committed a murder" hands!! :)
Cut beets into quarters leaving 2 inches of tap root and 1 inch of stem on the beets.
The Healthiest Way of Cooking Beets
Cook beets lightly. Studies show beets' concentration of phytonutrients, such as betalains, is diminished by heat. I recommend healthy steaming beets for 15 minutes to maximize their nutrition and flavor. Fill the bottom of the steamer with 2 inches of water and bring to a rapid boil Add beets, cover, and steam for 15 minutes.
Beets are cooked when you can easily insert a fork or the tip or knife into the beet. Peel beets by setting them on a cutting board and rubbing the skin off with a paper towel. Wearing kitchen gloves will help prevent your hands from becoming stained.