Buying Locally- How do you like those apples?

There are all sorts of decisions to be made at the grocery store. Have you thought about where your food actually comes from? or how it got here? Has it been flown halfway across the world? Is it fresh? Sprayed with pesticides? Genetically-modified?
We, as consumers, make millions of decisions every day regarding both our personal health and the health of the planet. One person can make a huge impact! The only way to truly know where your food comes from is to buy from locally!! You can even go visit the farms and farmers where the food is grown or animal is raised and see their practices yourself! Buying local is good for the environment, promotes a sense of community, stimulates the local economy, helps keep local jobs, local businesses give back locally, and food is actually FRESH and contains more nutrients!
Shop at your local food cooperative, farmer's market, or start your own garden!
Check out the Eat Well Guide to find local producers and businesses in your area!