H2O-Does Your Body Good! Post 2 of 2

Dehydration Causes:
*Joint Pain-no lubrication
*Stomach pain and ulcers-sluggish digestion
*Back Pain and Muscle Weakness
*Low Energy
*Mental Confusion and Disorientation
*Dry Skin
A mere 2% drop in water levels can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, basic math skills, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.
Re-hydration occurs faster in the presence of sodium, regardless of whether in a sports drink or food.
There are many factors that influence water needs:
*Exercise-replace water lost from sweat session
*Environment-hot and humid weather
*Illnesses and Health Conditions-fever, vomiting, and diarrhea cause body to lose additional fluids
*Pregnancy or Breast-feeding
We also lose water when we breath-when exhaling from lungs a small amount of water vapor is released.
Water and Weight Loss:
*Appetite Depressant-makes you feel full
*Metabolizes stored fat-reduces fat deposits in body and turns in to energy
*More water helps reduce water retention-helps flush out your system
Water stimulates the kidneys to work. When the kidneys do not function properly without enough water some of their duties get passed onto the liver. The liver works to metabolize stored fat into usable energy, if the liver is helping the kidneys, it cannot do its own job!! Detoxing the body!!
Let THIRST be your guide! When the body begins to lose 1-2% of total water, your thirst mechanism will kick in and let you know it is time to drink (mistake for hunger)
Be sure to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day! For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you would need to drink 75 ounces of water each day!
Color of your urine-taking vitamin B12 turns urine bright yellow, it should be very light yellow; deep yellow indicates dehydration
Drink water pre-during-post workout
H2O workout guidelines:
20 oz 2-3 hours before
8 oz 20-30 minutes prior or during warm-up
10 oz every 20 minutes of exercising
8 oz within 30 minutes after exercise
16-24 oz for every pound of body weight lost after exercise
Room temperature-ice cold water can harm delicate stomach lining
Not in plastic bottles-they leach unsafe chemical BPA into water. Use glass or stainless steel water bottles!!
Eat fresh fruit and veggies-contain water
Remember that caffeine is a diuretic and promotes water loss!! Stay away from coffee and soda!