I Heart Beets!!!!
12:01 PM
Jackie Mart
12:01 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I love adding steamed beets to my dark green raw salads or roasting them in the oven! Here is a link to some wonderful beet recipes to try: http://www.farmfreshtoyou.com/recipes/index.shtml#BEETS
Beets are an excellent source of hearth-healthy folate and a very good source of the antioxidant manganese and heart-healthy potassium. Beets contain digestive-supportive dietary fiber, free radical scavenging vitamin C and copper, bone-healthy magnesium, and energy-producing iron and phosphorus.
Tips for Preparing Beets
Rinse gently under cold running water, taking care not to tear the skin, which helps keep the health-promoting pigments inside. Since beet juice can stain your skin, wearing kitchen gloves is a good idea when handling beets. If your hands become stained like mine during the cleaning and cooking process, simply rub some lemon juice on them to remove the stain to avoid the "I just committed a murder" hands!! :)
Cut beets into quarters leaving 2 inches of tap root and 1 inch of stem on the beets.
The Healthiest Way of Cooking Beets
Cook beets lightly. Studies show beets' concentration of phytonutrients, such as betalains, is diminished by heat. I recommend healthy steaming beets for 15 minutes to maximize their nutrition and flavor. Fill the bottom of the steamer with 2 inches of water and bring to a rapid boil Add beets, cover, and steam for 15 minutes.
Beets are cooked when you can easily insert a fork or the tip or knife into the beet. Peel beets by setting them on a cutting board and rubbing the skin off with a paper towel. Wearing kitchen gloves will help prevent your hands from becoming stained.
1:06 PM
Jackie Mart
1:06 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

· Alpha linolenic acid is an essential omega-3 fat that produces anti-inflammatory effects. This means fewer symptoms of asthma, less arthritis, fewer migraines, and less chance of osteoporosis.
· In the standard American diet, the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats is skewed. We tend to take in too much omega-6, which promotes inflammation and bone loss. Increased omega-3 consumption (through foods like flaxseeds and walnuts) helps readjust that ratio.
· Omega-3 fats help reduce the formation of blood clots-which means less risk of heart attack and stroke.
· Omega-3 fats also keep cell membranes flexible, enabling better absorption of nutrients and eliminations of waste. There's no point in extra healthy eating if the nutrients can't make it all way into your cells, now is there?
· Flaxseeds also do an amazing job of controlling cholesterol. One study found that people who ingested 20 grams (about 2 tablespoons) of ground flaxseeds each day reduced their cholesterol counts at about the same rate as those who took Statin drugs.
· Flaxseeds also contains high quantities of lignans, which protect against breast cancer in post-menopausal women. Lignans also work to cut off the blood supply to tumors, thus reducing the likelihood of cancerous growth.
· AND, regular flaxseed intake has been shown to reduce dry eyes and minimize hot flashes.
Pretty impressive for a little seed, huh?
And flaxseeds are versatile, too. Flaxseeds can be eaten whole or ground (they're pretty tasty sprinkled on salads, in smoothies, meatloaf, cereals, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, peanut butter, or other dishes) or used as a base for raw crackers, breads, and cookies. And flaxseed oil makes for a great salad dressing-light and yummy drizzled over air-popped popcorn with a little sea salt!!
One of my friends makes about the easiest dressing I've ever seen using flax oil: she uses a spray bottle to mist oil on the salad, and then seasons it with fresh-ground sea salt and pepper. It's amazingly good for something so simple!
Look for them at any natural food store in the refrigerated bulk section or in bags. They come in the whole seed form or ground into meal. I recommend buying the seeds and grinding them yourself at home and storing them in the fridge. Be sure to use them up within one week because they contain oil and oils go rancid quickly!
Add ground flaxseed to your diet gradually. Adding too much fiber to your diet at one time can produce some uncomfortable gastrointestinal effects which can be reduced with a gradual increase. When adding ground flaxseed to your diet, drink plenty of water to prevent constipation. Discover the great nutty taste and health benefits of flaxseeds!
Bowden, J. (2007). The 150 healthiest foods on earth. Massachusetts: Fair Winds Press
Holford, P. (2004). The optimum nutrition bible (revised and updated ed.). California: Crossing Press.
8:38 PM
Jackie Mart
I have been making and eating alot of raw food/green smoothies lately!! I pretty much combine whatever I have in my refrigerator or freezer. Here are some of the things I randomly throw into my Magic Bullet Blender any given day: 8:38 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

lemon juice
cranberry juice
tart cherry juice
frozen acai berries
collard greens
daikon radish
dandelion greens
greens powder
plant protein powder
ground flaxseed
fish oil
All these ingredients are nutritional powerhouses!! Green smoothies are very beneficial to the body!
-full of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants
-help with inflammation
-a stronger immune system
- increase mental clarity
- less 'brain fog' and better memory
- better digestion and absorption of nutrients
- effortless and healthy weight loss
- clearer skin and brighter eyes
- liver and kidney support through detoxification
- cravings for sugar, salt and fats decrease
- energy increases, less need for sleep
- blood sugars are naturally stabilized
- your body's natural PH balance is restored to more alkaline levels
-have cancer-protection properties
and the list goes on and on!!
I challenge you to experiment and see what you can come up with! Drink up!! :)
"When I Started Loving Myself"
9:49 PM
Jackie Mart
9:49 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

This was written by Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday on April 16, 1959.
"When I started loving myself, I’ve understood that I’m always, and at any given opportunity, in the right place at the right time. And I’ve understood that all that happens is right. From then on, I could be calm. Today I know it is called trust.
When I started to love myself, I understood how much it can offend somebody when I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I know it is called respect.
When I started loving myself, I could recognize that emotional pain and grief are just warnings for me to not live against my own truth. Today I know it is called authentically being.
When I started loving myself, I have stopped longing for another life and could see that everything around me was a request to grow. Today I know it is called maturity.
When I started loving myself, I’ve stopped depriving myself of my free time and I’ve stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future. Today I only do what’s fun and joy for me, what I love and what makes my heart laugh, in my own way and in my tempo. Today I know it is called honesty.
When I started loving myself, I’ve escaped from all that wasn’t healthy for me; from dishes, people, things, situations, and from everything pulling me down and away from myself. In the beginning I called it the “healthy egoism”, but today I know it is called self love.
When I started loving myself, I’ve stopped wanting to be always right; thus I’ve been less wrong. Today I’ve recognized it is called humbleness.
When I started loving myself, I’ve refused to live further in the past and to worry about my future. Now I live only at this moment where everything takes place. Like this, I live every day and I call it consciousness.
When I started loving myself, I recognized that my thinking can make me miserable and sick. When I though requested for my heart forces, my mind got an important partner. I call this connection today heart wisdom.
We do not need to fear further discussions, conflicts and problems with ourselves and others since even stars sometimes bang on each other and create new worlds.
Today I know this is this life!"
Law of Attraction
9:36 PM
Jackie Mart
The Law states: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being broke, poor, lonely and believe your thoughts guess what? That is exactly what you'll be. This Law applies to your life and every other person's life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don't want it to.9:36 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
I created a "vision/goal/life collage" a few years ago for myself. I laminated it and it hangs infront of my laptop so I can see it every day! I am focusing on what I want in my life relating to relationships, family, career, finances, and etc. I encourage you to think about what you want in your life. Picture what you want your ideal life and self to look like in the future. It doesn't have to be a collage like mine; you could even write down some goals, create a drawing or picture, or even write a song. The key is to think about these things every day!
Once you apply the Law of Attraction ANYTHING is possible!!!
Kindness- From the Heart
12:43 PM
Jackie Mart
Kindness makes a difference!12:43 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
Even if it is a very tiny act of goodness and you think no one notices, God notices. Always remember that one little act of kindness can tilt the balance of an entire situation. One little act of kindness can ripple out in countless ways that you many never know about.
I have been pretty down the past week or so. Feeling like I am getting nowhere in my life. Go to the same mundane job day in and day out and struggling to pay my bills. I know where I want to be in life, but have had major setbacks and it's frustrating! I am slowly but surely working towards my goals but know it will take time.
A phone call from a dear friend of mine the other night sure helped turn my thinking and attitude around! I was reminded of what acts of kindness can do to a person's mind and soul. It's definitely the little things in life that can make all the difference!
Today they were having a food drive at the Wedge Food Co-op for the Aliveness P

About a year ago I set a goal for myself to go out of my way to help someone else in some way each day. I think about this often and never know who I am going to impact. What little act of kindness can you do each day? Do you smile at people walking by? Hold the door for someone? Pay for the person's coffee in line behind you at Starbucks? Let a car merge into your lane? Carry an elderly woman's bags for her? Shovel your neighbor's driveway? Send your friend or family member a text to know you are thinking about them? Volunteer at your son's school? The possibilities are endless! Pay it forward and you never know what will happen! :)
Buying Locally- How do you like those apples?
9:36 PM
Jackie Mart
9:36 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

There are all sorts of decisions to be made at the grocery store. Have you thought about where your food actually comes from? or how it got here? Has it been flown halfway across the world? Is it fresh? Sprayed with pesticides? Genetically-modified?
We, as consumers, make millions of decisions every day regarding both our personal health and the health of the planet. One person can make a huge impact! The only way to truly know where your food comes from is to buy from locally!! You can even go visit the farms and farmers where the food is grown or animal is raised and see their practices yourself! Buying local is good for the environment, promotes a sense of community, stimulates the local economy, helps keep local jobs, local businesses give back locally, and food is actually FRESH and contains more nutrients!
Shop at your local food cooperative, farmer's market, or start your own garden!
Check out the Eat Well Guide to find local producers and businesses in your area!
I've Learned
4:25 PM
Jackie Mart
One of my all time favorite quotes!!! I included an amazing picture I took when I was in San Diego also! 4:25 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.
I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life."
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.
I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
— Maya Angelou
Overcoming Shame
2:55 PM
Jackie Mart
Shame is not the same as guilt. When we feel guilt, it's about something we did. When we feel shame, it's about who we are. Shame = "I am not good enough." When we feel guilty we need to learn that it's okay to make mistakes. When we feel shame we need to learn it's okay to be WHO WE ARE! 2:55 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
Shame comes from being taught that we are worthless or bad. It can stem from childhood experiences and comments from parents/adults or cruel kids. It comes from being threatened with shaming, or physical discipline, or humiliation.
It's sad how we remember a million negative things people have said or done to us and forget about all the wonderful compliments we have recieved from genuine human beings! I know I personally remember horrible things people have said to me!
Here are some tips to help with shame:
When people treat you well- Absorb it! Always take at least a few seconds to FEEL the good feelings you get when you are treated well. Let your appreciation show! Smile and learn to say "thank you." Showing your appreciation reinforces the other person and encourages them to stay around you longer. Don't talk yourself out of it; most compliments are honest.
When people treat you bad- don't dwell on it!! Maybe they just had a bad day and you happened to be the one they took it out on. Be sure to tell the other person that what they said or did hurt you and why. Sometimes people don't even realize how they are affecting others.
You are WORTHY of love and belonging!! BELIEVE you are enough!! We may not be perfect, but we ARE WORTH IT! :)
Improve your Digestion! Rules of Food Combining
7:08 PM
Jackie Mart
7:08 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
I have read alot about digestion for school and am reminded daily at work by customers on how many people suffer from digestive issues. People come to me complaining about gas, IBS, stomach pains, constipation, inability to digest certain foods and etc.
It's not uncommon for people to combine meat and potatoes. fish and rice, bread and lunch meat, cereal and milk, or cheese and pasta. Eating these particular combinations every day at every meal is not the best way to ensure optimal health. When all of these foods are thrown together randomly the body cannot break them down and utilize them properly. It's no wonder that the sale of products such as Rolaids, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Mylanta, and Alka-Seltzer has turned into a billion dollar industry.
Here are 5 Food Combining Principles You May Want to Consider:
1. Eat Fruit Alone- fruit contains sugars that are ready for the body to utilize and provides its own enzymes so it does not need much time to be digested in the stomach. It should not be combined with other foods and should not be consumed for several hours after eating protein or starch. If you have fruit following a meal the sugar in the fruit will ferment in the stomach, causing bloating and gas. Allow 1-2 hours before eating any other food if you do eat fruit. The best time is to eat it in the morning because then you know all other foods have been digested.
2. Do Not Combine Protein and Starch-they require different digestive juices in order to be broken down and used by the body. Digestion of starches begins in the mouth with the enzyme ptyalin, which is found in your saliva. Proteins are broken down in the stomach by hydrochloric acid and pepsin enzyme. Protein needs an acidic environment and starch an alkaline environment.
3. Eat Protein Alone or with Vegetables-Veggies are high in water content and relatively easy to digest. They can be broken down in either an acidic or alkaline environment so they can be combined with either proteins or starches. The enzymes in veggies actually enhance the digestion protein.
4. If You Eat Starches, Eat Them Alone or with Vegetables- Vegetables do not require their own specific digestive juices, so they can be digested in the alkaline environment required by starches.
5. Do NOT Drink with Meals- this dilutes the digestive juices that are needed to break down the food, preventing it from being properly digested. The best time to drink fluids is in between meals-at least a half and hour before or after eating. If you find you are thirsty after eating, you may be using too much salt in your food.
For more digestion tips please visit my website! Look under the "Digestion" heading! http://www.optimumwellnessmn.com/Resources-Recipes.html
And this is a great food combining chart for a visual!
It's not uncommon for people to combine meat and potatoes. fish and rice, bread and lunch meat, cereal and milk, or cheese and pasta. Eating these particular combinations every day at every meal is not the best way to ensure optimal health. When all of these foods are thrown together randomly the body cannot break them down and utilize them properly. It's no wonder that the sale of products such as Rolaids, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Mylanta, and Alka-Seltzer has turned into a billion dollar industry.
Here are 5 Food Combining Principles You May Want to Consider:
1. Eat Fruit Alone- fruit contains sugars that are ready for the body to utilize and provides its own enzymes so it does not need much time to be digested in the stomach. It should not be combined with other foods and should not be consumed for several hours after eating protein or starch. If you have fruit following a meal the sugar in the fruit will ferment in the stomach, causing bloating and gas. Allow 1-2 hours before eating any other food if you do eat fruit. The best time is to eat it in the morning because then you know all other foods have been digested.
2. Do Not Combine Protein and Starch-they require different digestive juices in order to be broken down and used by the body. Digestion of starches begins in the mouth with the enzyme ptyalin, which is found in your saliva. Proteins are broken down in the stomach by hydrochloric acid and pepsin enzyme. Protein needs an acidic environment and starch an alkaline environment.
3. Eat Protein Alone or with Vegetables-Veggies are high in water content and relatively easy to digest. They can be broken down in either an acidic or alkaline environment so they can be combined with either proteins or starches. The enzymes in veggies actually enhance the digestion protein.
4. If You Eat Starches, Eat Them Alone or with Vegetables- Vegetables do not require their own specific digestive juices, so they can be digested in the alkaline environment required by starches.
5. Do NOT Drink with Meals- this dilutes the digestive juices that are needed to break down the food, preventing it from being properly digested. The best time to drink fluids is in between meals-at least a half and hour before or after eating. If you find you are thirsty after eating, you may be using too much salt in your food.
For more digestion tips please visit my website! Look under the "Digestion" heading! http://www.optimumwellnessmn.com/Resources-Recipes.html
And this is a great food combining chart for a visual!
Recipe for One of my Favorite Snacks!
9:33 PM
Jackie Mart
Jackie's Healthy Trail Mix9:33 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

1 cup raw organic walnuts
1 cup raw organic almonds
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup raw pecans
1/2 cup dried unsweetened organic cherries
1/2 cup dried unsweetened cranberries
dash of sea salt
Put all ingredients in a baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until nuts are soft and pumpkin seeds are brownish and toasted. Great snack to take to work or school! You can even add dark chocolate chips to mix when cool!! Enjoy! :)
Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century
7:46 PM
Jackie Mart
I have posted this video before on my facebook wall, but was reminded again of some of the horrible effects of our healthcare system today when I talked with a chiropractor. This is definitely a must-see video!! Lets work on preventative medicine instead of disease care!!! Say no to DRUGS!7:46 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
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Jackie Mart

Holistic Nutritionist, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker & Fitness Instructor
My Mission
EDUCATING while offering a positive support system. I measure success by the number of lives I’ve positively impacted! The road to health always begins with self-love!
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Blog Archive
- Accepting Delays in Your Life
- I Heart Beets!!!!
- Flaxseeds!
- Smoothies!!!!
- "When I Started Loving Myself"
- Law of Attraction
- Kindness- From the Heart
- Buying Locally- How do you like those apples?
- I've Learned
- Overcoming Shame
- Improve your Digestion! Rules of Food Combining
- Recipe for One of my Favorite Snacks!
- Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century
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