H2O-Does Your Body Good! Post 2 of 2
5:00 PM
Jackie Mart
5:00 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Dehydration Causes:
*Joint Pain-no lubrication
*Stomach pain and ulcers-sluggish digestion
*Back Pain and Muscle Weakness
*Low Energy
*Mental Confusion and Disorientation
*Dry Skin
A mere 2% drop in water levels can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, basic math skills, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.
Re-hydration occurs faster in the presence of sodium, regardless of whether in a sports drink or food.
There are many factors that influence water needs:
*Exercise-replace water lost from sweat session
*Environment-hot and humid weather
*Illnesses and Health Conditions-fever, vomiting, and diarrhea cause body to lose additional fluids
*Pregnancy or Breast-feeding
We also lose water when we breath-when exhaling from lungs a small amount of water vapor is released.
Water and Weight Loss:
*Appetite Depressant-makes you feel full
*Metabolizes stored fat-reduces fat deposits in body and turns in to energy
*More water helps reduce water retention-helps flush out your system
Water stimulates the kidneys to work. When the kidneys do not function properly without enough water some of their duties get passed onto the liver. The liver works to metabolize stored fat into usable energy, if the liver is helping the kidneys, it cannot do its own job!! Detoxing the body!!
Let THIRST be your guide! When the body begins to lose 1-2% of total water, your thirst mechanism will kick in and let you know it is time to drink (mistake for hunger)
Be sure to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day! For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you would need to drink 75 ounces of water each day!
Color of your urine-taking vitamin B12 turns urine bright yellow, it should be very light yellow; deep yellow indicates dehydration
Drink water pre-during-post workout
H2O workout guidelines:
20 oz 2-3 hours before
8 oz 20-30 minutes prior or during warm-up
10 oz every 20 minutes of exercising
8 oz within 30 minutes after exercise
16-24 oz for every pound of body weight lost after exercise
Room temperature-ice cold water can harm delicate stomach lining
Not in plastic bottles-they leach unsafe chemical BPA into water. Use glass or stainless steel water bottles!!
Eat fresh fruit and veggies-contain water
Remember that caffeine is a diuretic and promotes water loss!! Stay away from coffee and soda!
H2O-Does your body good! Post 1 of 2
1:42 PM
Jackie Mart
1:42 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Water is the 2nd most important compound life is dependent on. Oxygen is the 1st! The human body is approximately 70% water! Because our bodies are mostly water, water figures heavily in how our bodies function.
What does water do for our body?
*Essential for digestion
*Nutrient absorption
*Aids circulation
*Helps control the body’s temperature
*Lubricates and cushions joints
*Keeps the skin healthy
*Helps remove toxins from your body
Essential for digestion- The food we eat cannot be digested if there is not sufficient water in the body. Acids and enzymes break down food into a fluid state which can pass through the intestine for the next phase. Water break down what we eat, turns it into energy, and transports it to parts of the body where it is needed. *tip* DO NOT drink water or other liquids with meals. Water dilutes the acids in the body and may cause heartburn!!
Nutrient Absorption-Our bodies need nutrients to survive. Water also helps deliver these nutrients to specific parts of the body.
Circulation-Water, in the form of blood, is required to transport the nutrients. Hormones need to be moved in order for muscles to grow.
Body Temperature-As the body gets heated up, we sweat and our temperature goes back to normal. Sweat is what drives away the excess heat. This cannot occur without water!
Joints-Water cushions joints, protects tissues and organs from shock and damage. The cartilage tissues found at the ends of long bones and between the vertabrae of the spine hold a lot of water. When cartilage is well hydrated the opposing two surfaces glide freely and friction damager is minimal.
Skin-Your skin will glow if well hydrated!! Dehydration can cause dry skin. Water keeps skin toned, wards off wrinkles. Shrinking cells are plumped up by water and the complexion appears clear, healthy, and radiant.
Toxins-Water acts like a vacuum and sucks all waste and toxins out of the body.
Look for more information about dehydration, factors that influence water needs, water and weight loss, and other recommendations in next post!!
Choose My Plate
3:34 PM
Jackie Mart
The US Department of Agriculture recently came out with a new type of "Food Pyramid" called "My Plate." Even though it is interactive and contains many useful tips and information about food choices I have a few gripes relating to the plate!!3:34 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
Here is what the plate looks like:
There is no one size fits all food plan!! There are Carb, Mixed, and Protein Metabolic Types! What is good for one person isn't necessarily the right diet for another! Listen to your own body.
The Protein portion is not large enough! Protein is a satiating component of any eating plan that will not only help you eat less, but it is also activate your metabolism. It is also involved in building lean muscle. Lean muscle burns calories!
As a general rule of thumb, it is suggested that you shoot for anywhere between .7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of your goal body weight. (so if you weigh 160 pounds, but want to drop down to 140, you should aim for roughly 140 grams of protein, per day). Women will tend to be on the lower end, and men on the higher end.
We are already a society that is overly reliant on carbohydrates. This is a direct correlation to our carb-heavy diet, and the insulin problems that have led to an onslaught of type-2 diabetes and excessive weight gain. This does not mean that carbs are bad. They are an essential part of your diet and should be consumed. But they should not be the bulk of your diet, and the majority of your daily carbohydrates should come from non-processed sources, such as fibrous vegetables (think broccoli, spinach, kale and most greens) or from fruit (although in more limited amounts).
Dairy-The dairy food issue is a controversial one. Dairy farming is a multi-billion dollar government-subsidized industry whose tremendous advertising campaigns have us believing we can't live without milk and dairy products! By the time we are three years old we lose the required enzymes to digest dairy products, especially milk. You may be surprised to learn that the majority of the human population throughout the world does not drink or use cow's milk!! Most people can't drink the milk because their bodies don't tolerate it. Eating lots of green, leafy vegetables,raw nuts and fruits will provide all the calcium you need. Sesame seeds contain more calcium than any other food on earth!!
Where are the healthy fats?!?
Fat provides needed energy. It is difficult to eat the large amounts of food in a very low fat diet to get all the energy you need.
Fat is needed to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency.
Fat is needed so your body can absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, and prevent deficiencies of these vitamins.
Fat provides flavor and texture to help prevent food from being bland and dry.
Fat helps food to stay in the stomach longer, giving a greater sense of satisfaction and preventing hunger soon after meals.
Fat may help your body produce endorphins (natural substances in the brain that produce pleasurable feelings).
Diets too low in fat (less than 20 - 25%) may trigger cravings.
Food Combining-Refer to one of my previous posts. This diagram makes it looks like you should mix all food groups together at one meal.
Water-This diagram makes it look like you should be drinking a glass of milk every day instead of water. Remember to drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water each day!! This is the minimum amount!! Drink more if you are exercising or sweating out in the heat.
Here is a much better food guide to live by. I love it!! Download it for free here:
Hot Weather Exercise Safety Tips
1:39 AM
Jackie Mart
By Kathryn Marcinak HHP, BA, C-PT 1:39 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments
To keep yourself cool and safe during hot-weather exercise, follow these basic precautions.
•Slow Down
◦Decrease the length and intensity of the workouts until your body adapts to the heat.
◦Before Exercise: Make sure to drink 2-3 cups of water within the 2 hours before your workout. Weigh yourself immediately before you begin your workout.
◦During Exercise: Drink 1 cup of water every 15 minutes.
◦After Exercise: Weigh yourself immediately after you finish your workout. Drink 2-3 cups of water for each pound lost during exercise.
•Dress Appropriately
◦Use lightweight, loose fitting clothing to promote sweat evaporation to cool the body more efficiently. Also, avoid dark colors, which can absorb the heat.
•Avoid Midday Workouts
◦Exercise in the morning and evening when its likely to be cooler outdoors
•Backup Plan
◦If the heat or humidity is excessive, workout indoors.
Regular physical activity is of the utmost importance to optimal health, however don’t let hot-weather workouts put you at risk. Be on the outlook for heat-related illnesses. Signs & Symptoms include:
•Muscle Cramps
•Rapid Heartbeat
If you experience any of these symptoms, stop exercising and get out of the heat immediately. Drink water, and wet and fan your skin.
Important: If one doesn’t feel better within 60 minutes, contact a doctor immediately.
1. Tips for preventing heat-related illness. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heattips.asp. Accessed March 2, 2009.
2. Frequently asked questions about extreme heat. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/faq.asp. Accessed March 2, 2009.
3. Baker LB, et al. Exercising in the heat and sun. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. http://www.fitness.gov/publications/digests/digest-june2007.pdf. Accessed March 2, 2009.
Jackie Mart

Holistic Nutritionist, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker & Fitness Instructor