6:56 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I attended a contemporary church in the area for the first time in Okoboji today. I've been meaning to go but have been gone most weekends this summer! (I know, excuses.. LOL!)  I fell in love with a church in Minneapolis called Eaglebrook and haven't found anything that even compares to it! I know moving back here I do not have access to multiple things I did before and have had to deal with it and stay positive, which is not always easy! (Even if you are not religious please keep reading because there is a deeper meaning to this post)

My favorite part any church service has always been the songs.  My eyes were watering and  I got emotional during the songs this morning... which is a sure sign I was meant to be there!! :-)  The sermon seemed as though it was directed towards me (happens ALL the time when I do make it to church! Crazy how that works!) There are a few things I wanted to share with you that definitely stuck with me:

* God blesses us so that we may be a blessing to others.

*What he gives us we are to share with others.

*We are made to be different than those around us.

*God's people serve others.

*Transformation is the process through which God takes you where you are supposed to be.

We go through transformations many times throughout our lives. Job changes, moving, new schools, college, marriage, careers, divorce, and so on.  Transformations can be a change in all areas of life including our physical bodies (weight loss, surgeries, growth spurts, puberty, weight gain), emotionally, and spiritually.  We are in a constant state of growth and change. I have been going through my own HUGE transformation the last 3 years that most people cannot imagine or even know about. There sure hasn't been an "easy button", but most things that are of value in our lives tends to make us uncomfortable. Sometimes being the "real" you is tough. We are in a society where conforming is typical. People may think I am weird for being into holistic health and wellness but I know I was created to be a teacher and feel the best and most alive when I am helping others! I am sharing my strengths and serving those around me which is leading me to where I am supposed to be!

Ironically, a new friend of mine posted this on my Facebook wall yesterday. It made me cry!!!

No matter where you are in your own transformation, remember this: small changes every day make a big difference; don't get discouraged if you are not where you would like to be; and do not be afraid to reach out if you need some support! There are always people around who would be glad to lend a hand, ear, or a even a hug when you need it! :-)

Be well!!


Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.

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