Agave Nectar: Sweeter Than Regular Sugar

7:51 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Mainly produced in Mexico, agave is a syrup that is made from the Agave Tequiliana (Tequila) plant. It is about 1 1/2 times sweeter than regular sugar and contains roughly 60 calories per tablespoon, which is about 20 calories more than the same amount of table sugar. In spite of being more dense in calories, agave manufacturers are directly marketing diabetics because it is supposedly lower on the glycemic index (a number that represents the effect a particular food has on someone’s blood sugar). 

Agave Facts: 

It has a low-glycemic index because it’s largely made of fructose, the single most damaging form of sugar.

It has the highest fructose content of any commercial sweetener on the market.

Compared to the 1:1 fructose/glucose ratio of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, agave nearly has a whopping 2:1 ratio.

Better Alternatives: Stevia or local raw honey (use sparingly). 

*Be sure to read the ingredients on your snack, meal, and protein bars! Most contain agave! 

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Copyright, 2015, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutritionist and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.

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