Allergies, Excess Wax, Sinus Congestion, Colds, Flu? - Ear Candling Service Offered
What is Ear Candling?Ear candling is a holistic procedure used to remove excess wax, draw out toxins and pollutants, cleanse the sinus cavities, improve hearing and other senses and revitalize the nerve endings. It is also thought to have a psychic, emotional and spiritual impact on a person as it draws out negative toxins and revives the energy flows throughout the body.
Because of all the intricate crevices in the ear, unbelievable amounts of debris can accumulate. This buildup creates a breeding ground for problems and can also interfere with correct hearing. Impacted wax can build up against ear ducts and can also block reception of incoming sound waves. This lifetime accumulation may explain some of the hearing problems we develop as we age. Yeasts, allergies or just wax build-up removed from the ear canal regularly will restore hearing, relieve tension or pressure in the ear and sometimes relieve other symptoms not consciously connected with the ear condition before the process. The moist warm dark conditions in the ear cause fast growth of many organisms. If excess ear wax blocks the ear it can cause pressure build-up from various organisms.
Clinical studies show that candida (yeast) often becomes established in the middle ear after one or two episodes of infection where an antibiotic has been used. Candling is believed to remove candida, yeasts, fungus, and remnants of past infections. The types of bacteria we currently fight in our ears include Streptococcus pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Anaerobic bacteria, and Influenza A and B. Ear aches can be caused by mucus blown into the ear from the Eustachian tube. Ear candling will quite often release the pressure and relieve the pain.
Some of the benefits those undergoing ear candling have experienced include:
Removal of excess wax and allows better hearing, usually immediately
Stimulation and detoxification of the lymphatic system
Help in removal of parasites growing in the ear
Help in clearing mold caused by Candida yeast allergy
Sinuses are able to drain and flow freely reducing pressure
Improved balance and rejuvenation of the equilibrium
Beneficial relief may be obtained from ear candling for the following conditions:
Sinus discomfort congestion (reduced)
Head colds, flu and discomforts
Yeast infections
Swimmers Ear
Ear Aches
Headache and sore throat
Allergy discomfort
What To Expect During Your Session
You will lie comfortably on your side resting your head on a pillow as the candling is performed. Hollow cones made from spiraled strips of cotton dipped in either beeswax or paraffin are used. The tapered end of the cone is gently placed in the ear. The other end is lit and the heat from the low-burning flame creates a vacuum-pulling effect. For your safety, a plate separates the burning end from your head to prevent any drippage of candle residue.

Upon completion, an oil is swabbed in the ear with cotton to help protect from further infections from bacteria, yeast. etc. For the first 24 hours after candling, it is best to protect the ears from wind, cold, and excessive amounts of water. Within 24 hours the normal production of wax will again protect the ear. The candles will then be cut open to reveal the toxins deposited at the base.
Who Is Ear Candling Suitable For?
Young and old alike experience this process as a soothing, painless, simple therapy, which invokes deep relaxation and healing. I typically perform these on children over 3 years of age and up as well as adults.
Recent Client Testimonial:
"Amazing how much your sinuses clear up. I've tried it before. It is super....everyone should try it especially if you have any sinus issues at all!!! The virtues of ear candling are outstanding. Give it a try!!"
-Teacher, Estherville, Iowa.
Please contact me to schedule. This services is $30. Thank you! 712.790.5883
Copyright, 2014, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.