Guess What I Found in My Closet?

3:54 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

We leave this Thursday for my younger brother's wedding in FLORIDA!!! Perfect timing for some sun and fun considering it is -45 degrees outside right now with the windchill! ;-) This morning I decided to pack my suitcase and ended up cleaning out my entire closet! Haha! It happens! 

I didn't expect to stir up so many emotions in the process. I love fashion and had a full wardrobe of tiny dresses, skinny jeans, short shorts, skirts, shoes, and a hundred other articles of clothing that I wore when I was at my lowest weight... I started trying them on and if you are a woman you know what it feels like when your clothes are too tight! If you have ever had any type of disordered eating or body image issues I'm sure you can relate to this.  Both sadness and a feeling of freedom washed over me... 

I cannot fully explain how I felt this morning, but it was much different for me I am sure than most people who have gained or lost weight. I have a little more "junk in my trunk" these days but it means I am healthier and learning to accept my true self and love my body! I told my guy friend my butt has gotten bigger and he said, "Most guys like bigger butts anyway, so I bet you it's very sexy!"  LOL!! It's exactly what I needed to hear!! I know I am not fat by any means. I realize we all have different body shapes and what makes people beautiful is their confidence! I'm striving to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin! How about you? Also-why not wear clothes you feel amazing in? I filled up three large trash bags; looks like I need to go shopping soon! ;-) 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Excuses and "Buts" are Limitations

1:16 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

EXCUSES- We all have them and use them. Every day. I am guilty as charged! 

I finished reading a book this morning and the last few pages were powerful. Sharing:

"Excuses don't get you anywhere in life. Excuses are saying that you're a victim to outside circumstances, and that's not always true. 

Your ego's voice isn't your own. It's the voice of fear, and you don't have to listen to it or follow its dictates. Your ego always speaks about what you can't do. It starts sentences with But... such as "But I don't have enough time," or "But I need money first," or "But what would people think?" The ego is a big "but"!

Don't allow your ego to talk you out of the joy that awaits you. The journey of pursuing your dreams is joyful. It's also ambiguous, uncertain, and unscripted. That's the artistic path of the soul." 

-Excerpt from, Assertiveness for Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

Don't limit yourself! BELIEVE!  It's amazing what hard work and positive thoughts and positive ACTIONS can do! :-) 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Country Christmas

2:27 PM Jackie Mart 2 Comments

Yesterday afternoon I strapped my snowshoes on and ventured out into the snow at my parent's farm! I took a few photos but they no where near capture all the beauty that surrounded me! I felt at peace with the world and myself. There are no words to describe my experience yesterday. How do you reconnect with the world? Anytime I am in nature I feel grounded and in tune with the Universe. Be sure to take some time out and fill your bucket. The world can be a very draining place! 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.



2:08 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I'm sitting here reflecting over the past year and thinking I am so blessed to have met so many wonderful people! The lives I have touched here is what fuels me each and every day! God is working through me! We are all connected! 

Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas!! 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


The Power of Your Thoughts

12:37 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Sunday I had the chance to visit my old friend who is a Chiropractor/Holistic doctor in the small town of Carroll, Iowa where I lived 7 years ago! It was wonderful connecting with her again and just what I needed to feed my soul! She is the one who planted the seed and led me to my passion of health and wellness and towards my ultimate goal of owning my own holistic wellness clinic! She reminded me of the Law of Attraction and how my mindset is related to everything in my life. 

We are in charge of our lives and our thoughts literally become things! The things we continually think about every day are directly related to our experiences.  Right now is the best time to reflect on the past year and think about what you want your life to look like in 2014. 

Goal setting and formulating a plan is critical in achieving the success you dream of! God has a purpose and plan for each of us. I will be working on my own vision/dream board in January and wanted to invite you to my workshop on January 12th from 2-4 PM at Supreme Kitchens in Spirit Lake, Iowa.  Please see more details below!

Come and create the life you have dreamed off!! We will be making dream or “vision” boards that depict what you want your life to look like! I will talk about the Law of Attraction, show you my dream journal, goal setting tips, affirmations, and other tools you can use to draw the things you want in your life to you!! Great start to 2014! Success is at your fingertips. Your wish is YOUR command!!

Law of Attraction

The Law states: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted. If you think about being broke, poor, lonely and believe your thoughts guess what? That is exactly what you'll be. This Law applies to your life and every other person's life on the planet. Like all laws, it is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don't want it to.

Imagine starting to believe in yourself and your infinite possibilities. Imagine believing you deserve everything you want out of life. Imagine GETTING everything you want out of life!  Once you apply the Law of Attraction ANYTHING is possible!!!
Register Here

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Letting Go in Order to Heal

2:52 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

This is beautiful! Please read and share! 

"She let go.

She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.

She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the 'right' reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.

She didn't ask anyone for advice. She didn't read a book on how to let go. She didn't search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.

She didn't promise to let go. She didn't journal about it. She didn't write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn't check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go.

She didn't analyze whether she should let go. She didn't call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn't do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didn't call the prayer line. She didn't utter one word. She just let go.

No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.

There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.

In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore."

~Rev. Safire Rose, Agape International Spiritual Center

What do you need to let go of? What are you holding on to that needs released? 

A Few Things I am Learning to Let Go:

-The need to be "perfect," and putting an enormous amount of pressure on myself. I'm embracing my higher weight and curvy body. I am looking more like a 30 year old woman instead of a 12 year old girl!

-Comparing myself to others. We all have different paths in life and we are unique.  I chose an unconventional path most people do not choose to follow but would not change it for anything!

-The heartaches and struggles I am going through and have gone through are just part of my story and will allow me to share it with others in the future. I am not a failure like I once thought.

-I am not my family. I do not have to take on their pain, issues, or problems. They may not be my ideal family of choice but I still love them unconditionally. They have been there for me when I have not been the easiest person to love or be around and will continue to be in my life when other people bail. I feel blessed to have them!

-I cannot help everyone as much as I want to. Not everyone needs to be "fixed."  I have a deep yearning to make sure every person is happy but have gotten to a point where I know the people that actually want help will come to me.

-Relying on others to make me happy. Happiness starts with YOU. It is a choice we make each and every day! Start each day with the thought that it will be the best day of your life! 

Be Well!

Jackie :-)

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


EVENT UPDATE: Free Movie in December Has Been Rescheduled for January

1:48 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I had a lot of interest in the last movie night that I was unable to show at the Spirit Lake Library.  I have rescheduled it in January at the Estherville Public Library!! Please see below for date and time and be sure to register!

FREE Movie Night

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

6:30-8:30 PM

Estherville Public Library

613 Central Ave. 

Estherville, IA 51334


This month we will be watching "Sweet Misery- A Poisoned World." Complimentary popcorn provided with a discussion after! 

SWEET MISERY: Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, an additive. And it's a chemical. It's not a natural product, it's a chemical. The molecule is made up of three components. Two are amino acids, the so-called building blocks of protein.

One is called Phenylalanine, which is about 50% of the molecule and the other is Aspartic Acid, which is like 40%. And the other 10% is so-called Methyl Ester, which as soon as it’s swallowed becomes free methyl alcohol. Methanol. Wood alcohol, which is a poison. A real poison.

Excellent documentary showing how dangerous artificial sweetener Aspartame is. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at the food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic food that came into the world as an investment by Donald Rumsfeld, while ignoring the deadly effects the tests showed.

Watch the movie trailer here:


Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Phone App for my Emotional and Disordered Eaters

10:37 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I'm excited about the new phone app I downloaded on my phone this morning! So many people come into my office with body image issues, low self esteem, and disordered eating. I see a little of myself in each of them. This app was mentioned in another blog I was reading and I decided to check it out! It's called "Rise Up: Overcome Your Eating Disorder." It's free and is available to download in the ITunes Store. Download Here

You can check in your emotional status, log your food intake at each meal and snack, set reminders and  positive affirmations to pop up throughout the day.  It also includes coping skills for relationships, emergencies, body image, mindfulness, and suggestions for journal activities.  This app can be beneficial for anyone who is trying to lose weight and have a better relationship with food, it is not strictly just for people who have an eating disorder (ED).

I wanted to share this new resource with you especially if you are a techie. It seems our phones are attached to our bodies these days! Please share any feedback with me after using the app! I would love to hear what you think of it!

Be Well! Let you Light Shine!

Jackie :-)

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Get Back on Track

9:34 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I seem to have fallen off the fitness wagon this week! Not sure if it is the cold weather or guys bumming me out, or just feeling run down... It's not like me to miss a day of working out but I will admit I didn't frequent the gym very many times!

Tonight I decided to get back on track and am going to schedule my workouts next week and mix it up. I plan on taking a few cycle classes and incorporating some BURST training, and weights into my regimen. I'm an outdoor exercise person, so winter usually kills me! If it snows more I can snowshoe! :-)

I stopped by the Regional Wellness Center (RWC) in Estherville this afternoon and talked to the director. I will be teaching one of my BURST training exercise classes on Friday, December 27th from 6:00-6:30 AM during their free fitness week! The class is free to members and $5.00 for non-members.  

If you haven't taken one of my classes and would like to try it out this would be a great time to do so! BURST is a quick interval training workout that spikes your heart rate, burns fat, builds lean muscle, and boosts your metabolism! All ages and levels are welcome. Please call the RWC to sign-up! Space is limited! 712.362.8484.  Here is a sample of what to expect:


If you are unable to make it to my class I also offer one-on-one sessions and even create customized workouts if you do not live in the area or workout in your home. BURST can be done anywhere with little or no equipment! If you need some motivation I would love to workout with you! I could use a boost myself!!

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Being Confident in a Healthy Body

10:52 AM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

This video struck a chord with me since I have been modeling for six years now. I've been up and down with my weight. Weighed 103 pounds at my lowest.  I remember one runway show I was in a few years ago...The designer told me I could not model for them again unless I gained 7 pounds. 

Modeling is an industry where you are constantly criticized for the way you look. Too short, not thin enough, not the right bone structure, hair, eye color they are seeking. I have been extremely unhealthy and "thin" yet was not happy with my body.

"Health" is defined as: the state of being free of illness or injury. To me, healthy means eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, protein, in the right amounts, sleeping 8 hours a night to rest and heal my body, exercising daily and moving my body, getting a chiropractic adjustment weekly so my body can function at 100%, and working on my emotional health. You will notice there was no mention of a specific weight, number on a scale, or size in either definition.

As long as you are taking care of yourself, respecting your body, emotions, and needs you are doing well! Love every inch of your body and radiate the light within you! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL no matter what anyone else thinks! Be confident in your own skin! :-) This model is a true beauty!!! 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Third Graders Define Healthy Living

9:15 PM Jackie Mart 4 Comments

Today I had the opportunity to be the guest storyteller in Mrs. Schnell's third grade classroom at my old school!! I read aloud one of my childhood books, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food

We talked about what healthy food is and what we should use to "fuel" our bodies! They were very active participants and had some great answers to my all my questions! We even did a few short BURST exercises  and discussed exercise and sleep.  Then we created collages of healthy foods and other things we talked about! I have my BA in elementary education so this was right up my alley! Start teaching your children about health now so they grow up living a healthy lifestyle! As you know our habits develop at a young age. Be sure to set the example! Here are a few photos of their collages.

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Tis the Season of Giving

8:27 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

This afternoon I dropped off all the donations for my little girl I adopted for the Adopt a Child Program in Spirit Lake! I asked my clients to help me out and they were more than generous as you can see! We fulfilled everything on her wish list! I've been focusing more on community outreach and volunteering my time to promote "real" health.  Life is all about giving and serving others!     :-) 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Boost Your Smoothie

12:24 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

I would call myself a juice and smoothie QUEEN! It is a great way to get tons of nutrition in one single serving! Here are a few superfoods to add to your smoothies. Mine are mostly green-I'm thinking about compiling an Ebook with all of my favorite smoothie recipes! Stay tuned ;-) 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


Comfort Foods- Try This at Your Next Family Meal

2:15 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

Something to use with the leftover raw cauliflower you still have sitting in your fridge from Thanksgiving! 

Mashed Faux-tatoes


1 medium head cauliflower, about 1 1/2 lbs.
1/4 c. organic (or raw) butter or ghee
1/2 tsp. sea salt
5-8 grinds black pepper
minced chives (optional)

Steam cauliflower until tender in steamer basket or small amount of water. In food processor, blend cauliflower, butter, sea salt and pepper until smooth.

This is just one of the many recipes from my Clean Eating Recipe Ebook.  All recipes are simple, gluten and grain-free! 30 delicious recipes total. Would make a great Christmas gift for the foodie on your list! Click here to purchase. 

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.


How to Avoid Looking Like a Bloated Reindeer Come January 1st

7:42 PM Jackie Mart 0 Comments

With the holiday season approaching, many of us find ourselves surrounded by festive food and the concern of weight gain. Studies have shown that the typical American may gain two to seven pounds over the six-week holiday season!!
The best way to avoid gaining weight over the holidays is to eat in moderation, keep a consistent exercise program and try my 10 tips! 

1. Stick to a regular routine with sleep and exercise. Many times feeling tired or stressed is mistaken for hunger. I get  VERY emotional when overly tired! LOL! 

2. Watch your alcohol intake. Alcoholic beverages metabolize to fat in our bodies contributing to excess weight gain. Try having a seltzer with a lime twist or a glass of water between alcoholic drinks to remain well hydrated. Other options: organic red wine, or vodka with water! No one likes dealing with drunken elves on spiked eggnog! ;-)

3. Eat a small, healthy meal before party time. It's a common misconception that you will lose weight by skipping meals. (Hello, eating disorders!!) The truth is your metabolism slows down causing you to store body fat if calories are too limited for too long. Another negative result is that you are more likely to binge later at night resulting in greater weight gains.

4. Don't stand by the food at the party. You will be less likely to partake in unconscious snacking all night if you instead move, mingle and socialize with friends!! Or, ladies, carry a clutch in one hand and a beverage in the other- your hands will be full and that leaves no fingers for nibbling on the sweets!

5. If you're hungry at the party, reach for the vegetables (without the dip), fruit or nuts . If you do host a party have plenty of water and healthy snacks available. (or bring a healthy option to the party and eat it!)

6. Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to register a "full" sensation and signal the brain that it's had enough. Slow down and listen to your body!

7. Set goals and keep a food journal. Plan your weekly food intake to include those treats or Christmas cookies in your diet -- in moderation, of course. Don't totally avoid sweets and holiday food; just plan for it and eat more fruit and vegetables during the week to allow for this. With this plan you can also avoid the guilty feeling afterward that can add to your stress level. And be sure to use natural sugars in your holiday recipes that will not spike your blood sugar. I suggest Stevia, dates, or Xylotil. And grain and gluten-free flours: almond and coconut!

8. Eat protein. Quality protein includes lean meats, seafood, chicken, turkey, eggs, nuts, seeds.  Protein will help you feel full and control your appetite.

9. Try to stay consistent with your workout routine. Don't fall prey to the excuse that you'll get back on track after New Years Day or when the weather warms up again. You may need to modify your program for the busy holidays. Do what you can, but keep it up, trying new fitness activities and cross training to keep things fresh and fun. My favorites: snowshoeing, ice skating, cross country skiing, BURST training! 

10. Always remain positive!! If you do have a slip up, don't worry or stress about it. Just get back on track the next MEAL, NOT day!

As always, if you need an accountability partner or don't know where to start with eating healthier or living a natural lifestyle I am here to assist you! :-) Please contact me to set up your free 15 minute consultation.

Copyright, 2013, Jackie Mart. For further information about this blog, or Optimum Wellness LLC, contact Jackie Mart at 712.790.5883 or As a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, I will support you in taking steps to a healthier and happier you. My goal is to help you create an art of balance in your life. You will also learn how important balance between primary foods (relationships, physical activity, sleep, career and spirituality) and secondary foods (organic food and whole food) is.